NORFOLK paperless marking

NORFOLK is a Microsoft Word annotation kit that provides a range of features for the efficient annotation of student assignments online.

NORFOLKs primary features are the following.

  • Colour coding, calculating and mark storing rubrics
  • Comment banks of any types of comments you wish.
  • Audio comment capability
  • Better navigation between rubrics and a document
  • Moderation capability for large classes with the ability for a moderator to quickly review the marking of several markers and make any amendments necessary in an efficient workflow.
  • Sharing of content created in NORFOLK with others.
  • Quick referral of students to academic support staff for non content based issues.


This kit is available to all staff and markers of CSU, via the following link

Quick guides

Available Live Training

2 Types of training sessions can be offered for groups of 5 or more staff. These are organised as required. If you wish to request one of the 2 below training sessions please email noting your preferred time and date.

The following 2 sessions both running for one hour are currently on offer.

  • NORFOLK for Beginners
  • Advanced NORFOLK (for existing NORFOLK Users)


  • via a tablet device – The Division of Student Learning has created comparison documents for iPad and Android describing the key features of recommended apps.
    More detailed guides for use with paperless marking are also available for GoodReader (iPad) and iAnnotate (iPad) and ezPDF (Android).
  • Batch conversion of Word files to PDF files ready for use with a tablet device is possible with the use of PrePair PDF.   PrePair PDF allows for the conversion of a batch of assignments with the optional inclusion of a marking sheet or Rubric.

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